Graduate Programs
We offer a number of opportunities for graduate students to engage with learning and research about wine.
Course Offerings
PLNT 542 (UBC Vancouver) Wine Grape and Berry Biology
The goal of this course is to provide students with a deep understanding of grapevine biology and of the major biological features of other important berry crops for British Columbia such as blueberry, cranberry, and raspberry.
FOOD 521 (UBC Vancouver) Advances in Food Biotechnology
This is a topical course intended to provide an advanced understanding of key concepts and current applications of biotechnology in the production and processing of foods and beverages, including wine and beer. The course utilizes lecturing, student-directed presentations and discussions to cover topics on recent advances in important areas of food biotechnology from an international perspective.
Research Opportunities
Students (PhD, MSc, BSc) and postdocs interested in conducting research in Grapes, Vineyards, and Soils; Wine and Fermentation; Winery Performance and Sustainability; and Wine Territory Competitiveness are invited to contact us to discuss possible projects.
Graduate students working in the Wine Research Centre at the Vancouver Campus are enrolled in the Plant Science, Food Science, or Genome Sciences. Students at the Okanagan campus specializing in sciences are enrolled in the Biology or Chemistry graduate programs; those specializing in Social Sciences, Arts or Management, are enrolled in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies (IGS) program.